The Ramspol storm surge barrier near Kampen was closed Friday due to strong winds and high water levels, the Dutch national water authority Rijkswaterstaat reported. The automated barrier, designed to protect the hinterland from flooding caused by the IJsselmeer, was triggered as water levels rose to 50 centimeters above Amsterdam Ordnance Datum. The Hollandsche IJsselkering, another critical flood barrier near …
With temperatures rising to tropical values this weekend, the public works department Rijkswaterstaat activated its heat protocol to help motorists with car problems faster. Rijkswaterstaat activates its heat protocol when there is a good chance of temperatures hitting 30 degrees or higher. The heat protocol means the public works department takes extra measures to ensure motorists who break down along …
Public works department Rijkswaterstaat will introduce its heat plan from Wednesday at 10 a.m. The measure will send immediate relief to stranded drivers whose car breaks down in many places in the Netherlands. "The heat plan will help us get to and from stranded road users more quickly. — Rijkswaterstaat Verkeersinformatie June 15, 2021 In case of accidents or …