Rishab Shetty, who won Best Actor at the National Film Awards announced on Friday for his film Kantara, tells us, “Winning the Best Actor National Award is an overwhelming honour. This recognition is not just mine, it’s a victory for the spirit of Kannada cinema and the rich stories that define our culture.” A still of actor Rishab Shetty from …
Rishab Shetty who bought Kannada cinema on the maps with his blockbuster movie Kantara has now added another feather to his cap. He seems unstoppable as he has been honoured with the prestigious award for the most promising actor at Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival 2023. Abhishek Mishra, who is a member of the Central Censor Board and the CEO …
From a general glance at the Kannada movies in the last five years, it appears that the Shettys are changing cinema to a certain extent, in terms of content rooted in native ethos. Kantara Director: Rishab Shetty Cast: Rishab Shetty, Kishore, Achyuth Kumar, Sapthami Gowda, Pramod Shetty, Vinay Biddappa Duration: 149 minutes Storyline: Shiva and Deputy Range Forest officer Murali …