Tamil actor Suriya was seen at the Sri Masaniamman Temple in Pollachi, Tamil Nadu, to attend the puja ceremony for his upcoming film with director RJ Balaji, tentatively titled Suriya 45. Watch: Suriya arrives at Sri Masaniamman Temple for the puja ceremony The first schedule of the shoot for the film will take place in Coimbatore from November 28, 2024. …
Chennai: 'Veetla Vishesham', the Tamil remake of the Hindi superhit film 'Badhaai Ho', will be more an adaptation than a remake of the original, one of its directors RJ Balaji, who has also acted in the film, has said. Balaji, who has not only acted in the film but has also directed the film along with N J Saravanan, says, …
The Tamil remake of Ayushmann Khuranna starrer Badhaai Ho, which will be bankrolled by Boney Kapoor, has been titled Veetla Visheshnga. In Badhaai Ho's Tamil remake, while Balaji will slip into Ayushmann Khurrana's role, Sathyaraj and Urvashi will be seen in Gajraj Rao and Neena Gupta's roles. As per a leading daily, the team has finalized the title as Veetla …
Every half hour or so during the TV telecast of the IPL, a question pops up for the commentators. But what has kept fans across Tamil Nadu glued to their TV sets every evening is RJ Balaji’s wisecracks and comic punchlines that have made even boring matches watchable. Also, the sport has evolved; cricket has become family entertainment and that’s …