Rashtriya Lok Janata Dal chief Upendra Kushwaha on Monday claimed that the ruling Janata Dal will merge with its alliance partner Rashtriya Janata Dal and there will be soon an exodus of JD leaders looking to join other parties. Responding to the claims, JD State president Umesh Kushwaha said, “Upendra Kushwaha is seeing Mungerilal ke haseen sapne and very soon …
Rashtriya Lok Janata Dal president Upendra Kushwaha’s security has been upgraded to Z category, a union ministry of home affairs order stated on Tuesday. The MHA order to beef up Kushwaha’s security comes on the back of a threat perception report by the IB. The MHA order to beef up Kushwaha’s security comes on the back of a threat perception …
PATNA: The central government has decided to provide ‘Y+’ category security to Rashtriya Lok Janta Dal chief Upendra Kushwaha, who parted ways with Nitish Kumar’s Janata Dal-United and formed his new party on February 20. Rashtriya Lok Janata Dal Chief Upendra Kushwaha also resigned from the legislative council after resigning from JD-U The move comes weeks after the Centre decided …