Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday inaugurated the first functional section of the Delhi Metro’s Phase 4, Janakpuri West to Krishna Park Extension and laid the foundation stone for the Rithala-Kundli corridor, an extension to the Red Line that will see Delhi make its fourth foray into Haryana via the Delhi Metro. However, in the last 10 years, India has …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of four major projects on Sunday, which includes three public transport projects and one related to health infrastructure. The much-awaited Delhi section of the Namo Bharat Rapid Rail Transit System will be inaugurated on Sunday along with the Janakpuri West-Krishna Park extension of the Delhi Metro’s Magenta …
A tractor march meant to highlight farmers' demands dissolved into anarchy on the streets of New Delhi on Tuesday, as hordes of rampaging protesters broke through barriers, fought with police, overturned vehicles and delivered a national insult -- hoisting a religious flag from the rampart of Red Fort, a privilege reserved for India’s tricolour. 07:26 pm: Entry gates of Shastri …
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation on Tuesday announced that entry and exit gates of several metro stations in Delhi have been closed after the farmers’ tractor rally in the national capital turned violent. In a series of tweets, DMRC had said that entry and exit gates of metro stations in Jama Masjid, Dilshad Garden, Jhilmil Mansarovar Park, Indraprastha, ITO, Samaypur …