The AIADMK’s former coordinator and former Chief Minister, O. Panneerselvam, on Monday, June 26, 2023, asked the Tamil Nadu government to exert pressure on the Central government for a rollback on changes to the Electricity Rules, 2020. Pointing out that in respect of day time, the proposed tariff, under the Time of Day system, would be 10-20% less than the …
The Kerala Merchants’ Chamber of Commerce has demanded that the “massive” hike in cooking gas price be rolled back. A statement issued by Chamber general secretary Soloman Cheruvathur said here on Thursday that the hike in LPG and fuel prices had created an intolerable situation. If the LPG price hike was not rolled back, the Chamber would be forced to …
HYDERABAD: Critical of the power companies collecting additional security deposit from their consumers, TPCC chief A. Revanth Reddy demanded the State government to immediately withdraw the proposal as it would add to theburdens of the common man. In an open letter to Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao, Reddy felt that people would teach him a lesson in the elections, if …
The Delhi BJP demanded that the AAP government roll back surcharge on electricity in the city, accusing the Kejriwal government of conniving with discoms. New Delhi: The Delhi BJP Wednesday demanded that the AAP government roll back fixed charges, power purchase cost adjustment charges, surcharge and pension trust surcharge. He criticised Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Power Minister Satyender Jain …