How to cope with SAD, or seasonal affective disorder Enlarge this image Annelise Capossela for NPR Annelise Capossela for NPR This story was originally published on Oct. 23, 2020, and has been updated to include a rerun of the podcast episode. "Just like the autumn leaves, they became depressed on schedule," says Rosenthal, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown …
Now Hiring: A Company Offers Drug Treatment And A Job To Addicted Applicants Enlarge this image toggle caption Angela Hsieh/NPR Angela Hsieh/NPR It's hard enough for employers to find workers to fill open jobs these days, but on top of it, many prospective hires are failing drug tests. The Belden electric wire factory in Richmond, Ind., is taking a novel …
In Upstate New York, Lack Of Snow Creates A Paradise For Nordic Skaters The lack of snow in upstate New York has created a paradise for skaters — most specifically, Nordic skaters. North Country Public Radio's Brian Mann thought of that as he discovered backcountry Nordic skating, where the ice goes on for miles and miles, taking you deep into …