Harvey Weinstein was diagnosed with dangerously high blood pressure after he was rushed to hospital hours after being sentenced to 23 years in prison Wednesday. He was later taken to hospital New York correction bus reportedly carrying film producer Harvey Weinstein exits New York Criminal Court after Weinstein's sentencing for sexual assault following his trial Weinstein was taken to Bellevue …
As soon as New York Supreme Court Judge James Burke said “20,” an audible gasp cut through the courtroom where Harvey Weinstein’s fate was being determined. “People losing their jobs over the fact that they testified for me,” he said, “or people being afraid they are going to lose their jobs, is not the right atmosphere for the United States …
Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape and a felony sex crime Monday, marking a climactic end to a high-profile case that in some ways serves as vindication of the #MeToo movement. Weinstein’s lead attorney, Donna Rotunno, said Weinstein was “shocked” and that he would appeal the decision. Cheronis said Mann was actually in a “loving relationship” with Weinstein rather …
One by one, the women shook, cried, stammered and struggled to recount the horrors they said Harvey Weinstein inflicted upon them. When a jury of seven men and five women convene next week to decide Weinstein’s fate, experts say they will have to determine which framing of the case they will follow: The tearful words the accusers delivered, the praise-heavy …