Kate Beckinsale penned a furious post hitting back at 'insidious bullying' from trolls on Sunday. Kate Beckinsale penned a furious Instagram post hitting back at 'insidious bullying' from trolls on Sunday The actress, 50, took to Instagram to share how the the 'vicious' comments on her social media were impacting her amid constant accusations that she has had plastic surgery …
Kate Beckinsale's late father Roy Battersby was not included in the In Memoriam segment during the 77th British Academy Film Awards at the Royal Festival Hall in London on Sunday. Kate Beckinsale 's late father Roy Battersby was not included in the In Memoriam segment during the 77th British Academy Film Awards at the Royal Festival Hall in London on …
Kate Beckinsale's stepfather Roy Battersby has died at the age of 87. Kate's actress mother Judy Loe married Roy in 1997 — 18 years after Kate's father, Porridge star Richard Beckinsale, died. The British actress, 50, has been quietly been caring for Roy and her mother Judy Loe in recent months Roy was hospitalized in Los Angeles last month after …
Roy Battersby moved in with Kate Beckinsale‘s family several years after the sudden 1979 death of her father, English actor Richard Beckinsale. Battersby died last Wednesday in Los Angeles, surrounded by family after “a brief period of illness,” according to a statement shared Monday during Emmys night on Beckinsale’s Instagram account. While dating Beckinsale’s mother, Jody Loe, who is also …