As “Shehar Lakhot” unfolds on Amazon Prime, Chandan Roy Sanyal’s portrayal as Kairav Singh promises to be a highlight, showcasing his talent and versatility once again Chandan Roy Sanyal has once again left audiences in awe with his stellar performance as Kairav Singh in the much-anticipated web series “Shehar Lakhot,” which released today on Amazon Prime. Chandan Roy Sanyal’s earlier …
Life changed in a way for actor Chandan Roy Sanyal ever since he essayed the crooked Bhopa Swamy over two chapters of the Prakash Jha web series, Aashram. Last year, season one of the series, which stars Bobby Deol as the protagonist fraud godman Kashipur waale Baba, dropped in two chapters, and the show was an overnight success, and among …