The NCLAT New Delhi Bench of Justice Ashok Bhushan, and Mr. Barun Mitra has held that when the claims have been filed belatedly after 548 days and that too the claims arise from damages and breach of contract which according to the Appellant is admittedly contingent, the RP's action to reject the claim by way of a reasoned reply to …
The NCLAT Bench of Justice Ashok Bhushan and Mr. Arun Baroka has held that Section 95 of IBC clearly provides that a Section 95 application can be filed by a creditor in his individual capacity or jointly with other creditors or through a RP. Bank of Baroda and IDBI Bank entered into COR Common Loan Agreement with the principal borrower-Shirpur …
Naveen Jindal-promoted Jindal Power has approached the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal seeking permission to submit a resolution plan for the acquisition of insolvent Tuticorin Coal Terminal Pvt. Jindal Power initiated this case against RP Dhiren Shantilal Shah after their initial resolution plan submission was rejected by the Mumbai Branch of the National Company Law Tribunal in August. During the …