The Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation is set to launch its longest daily bus services to date, connecting Bengaluru with cities like Ahmedabad and Puri, which are both around 1,500 kilometres away from the Karnataka capital, the Deccan Herald reported. READ | KSRTC introduces new ‘Ashwamedha’ service between Mysuru, Bengaluru KSRTC Managing Director V. Anbukumar spoke to the publication and …
: As the Karnataka government’s Shakti scheme that allows women to travel for free in State transport buses has received an overwhelming response, the road transport corporations have taken disciplinary action against 108 conductors from four RTCs for generating ‘fake’ tickets under the scheme. According to the data, 53 conductors in the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation, 12 in the …
The Karnataka government’s “Shakti scheme”, which offers free travel to women on state-run buses, has pushed up public transport patronage and the revenue of all the four road transport corporations, according to the latest transport department data. Transport department data tells ridership and revenue have increased after the roll of Shakti scheme. {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} {{^userSubscribed}} {{/userSubscribed}} According to the data, …