Television actor Rupal Patel, who played the iconic Kokila Ben in hit Star Plus soap Saath Nibaana Saathiya, is quite pleased with becoming a meme. Rupal Patel’s Rasode Mein Kaun Tha dialogue is a big hit with fans. Speaking to India Today, Rupal said, “I was pleasantly surprised and also shocked I could never imagine that my dialogues can turn …
Actress Rupal Patel, is excited to know that music composer Yashraj Mukhate turned her dialogue from Saath Nibhaana Saathiya into a rap song. The rap song Rasode mein kaun tha is an instant hit on social media and the video has gone viral. Yashraj Mukhate turned a scene from Saath Nibhaana Saathiya into a viral song, converting Kokilaben's dialogues into …