A 2021 report in South Asia Journal noted that Chennai had the maximum CCTV coverage per square kilometre and for every 1,000 people. The Hindu Downtown spoke to various resident welfare associations to find out how many of the CCTV cameras installed by them with much fanfare are in the best of condition. “The RA Puram Residents Association installed 30 …
A day after a massive fire at a private hospital in Delhi’s Vivek Vihar left seven newborn babies dead, five bodies of the deceased infants were handed over to the families on Monday after the post-mortem was completed. On Saturday night, New Born Baby Care Hospital, a private hospital owned by Naveen Khichi, MD in Paediatric Medicine, and his wife, …
A broader focus on sustainable growth, stronger laws against air pollution the transparent use of public funds, increased public participation and a more proactive feedback process – these are among a raft of 24 demands that a conglomerate of Delhi’s resident welfare associations have placed before political parties in the run-up to the general elections, to ensure a “breathable, liveable” …
The controversy surrounding community dogs in residential societies was reignited on Tuesday in the wake of the death of a seven-month-old who was mauled by one inside a housing complex in Noida’s Sector 100. The 2015 guidelines of the Animal Welfare Board of India, a statutory body constituted under the Prevention of Cruelty Animals Act, 1960, occupy the field in …