The latest MCU offering, Deadpool & Wolverine, has sent Marvel fans, including celebrities, into a frenzy. Amidst the excitement, Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh became the latest star to fanboy over Ryan Reynolds after watching the movie. On July 31, Ranveer Singh posted an Instagram Story featuring an intense scene from Deadpool & Wolverine with Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. Engrossed …
Not all heroes were capes. Video shared by 26-year-old Robbie Ryans shows the group of roughly six Furry fanatics diligently working to pull the man out of the vehicle where the physical altercation had unfolded. Video shared by 26-year-old Robbie Ryans shows the group of roughly six Furry fanatics working to help the woman outside of FurCon in San Jose …
Special’s target audience is millennials, which is made clear in almost every episode. At the outset, Special, the overtly cheerful Netflix show that dropped last week, wants to tread the same line but Special’s lead Ryan, played by Ryan O’Connell, who wrote the show is also, additionally, gay. Feeling smothered by his mother’s micromanagement of his life and general anxiety …