The investment support scheme for farmers known as Rythu Bandhu was officially launched by the Telangana government on Wednesday. Under the 10th phase of Rythu Bandhu, Rs 7,676 crore will be deposited in the bank accounts of 70.54 lakh farmers as investment support for the Yasangi season. Through the Rythu Bandhu scheme, the state government is providing crop investment to …
Jagan Mohan Reddy said his ‘farmer-friendly’ government is committed to providing input assistance of ₹13,500 per year to all eligible ones. Launching the YSR Rythu Bharosa-PM Kisan scheme amid fanfare at Kakaturu near Sarvepalli in SPSR Nellore district on Tuesday, Mr. Jagan said: “Those whose have been left out, including tenant farmers, need not worry. Input assistance of ₹7,500 would …