Samsung recently launched the Galaxy S20 series and the Galaxy Z Flip smartphones at the Samsung Unpacked 2020 event. At the event, the company also declared that they will be reducing the prices of the last year's Samsung Galaxy S10 smartphones. While the new Galaxy S20 series have not arrived in India yet, Samsung silently slashed the prices of the …
Samsung finally took the wraps off its new Galaxy S10 family at the Galaxy Unpacked event on Wednesday. Another core aspect of the Galaxy S10 series is its multiple camera array and new imaging software that is claimed to enhance the camera experience. Here’s the conventional camera configuration of the Galaxy S10 series: Samsung Galaxy S10: 16 MP + 12 …
Samsung is all set to launch its new flagship series smartphone tonight at the Samsung Unpacked 2019 event in San Francisco, the US. The company will be launching new products at the event and the main highlights of the event would be Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10 plus, Galaxy S10e along with the Galaxy Fold. Reports suggest that the Samsung …
With Samsung's unpacked event just around the corner, the company is all set to launch its new flagship smartphone along with a slew of new products at the event. The main highlight of the event will be the Galaxy S10 series phones that include the Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10 plus and Galaxy S10e. Let's take a look at some …