Actress Bhumi Pednekar, who will next be seen on the big screen in Saand Ki Aankh, says there is no scope for unhealthy competition in the current scenario in the film industry. Bhumi was interacting with the reporters at the wrap-up party of Saand Ki Aankh which was also attended by her co-actor Taapsee Pannu, producer Anurag Kashyap and director …
Earlier this month, the makers of Bhumi Pednekar and Taapsee Pannu-starrer Saand Ki Aankh dropped their look as "shooter dadis" on the internet. "Would have preferred to see Neena Gupta in this role; make-up is looking extremely bad and fake," was one such comment on Twitter, which pointed out that senior women artistes from Bollywood should have been cast in …
Actress Bhumi Pednekar says Chandro and Prakashi Tomar -- two octogenarian sharpshooters from Uttar Pradesh -- changed the ecosystem for women and society around them. Starring in director Tushar Hiranandani's Saand Ki Aankh, Bhumi will play the character of Chandro Tomar in the upcoming film. "It's a true story of courage because you have these women who have changed the …