Taapsee Pannu doesn't hold back from voicing her opinions. Recently, the actress took to her Twitter page and took a sly dig at Shahid Kapoor and Kiara's Advani's Kabir Singh. She quoted a tweet which read as, "Man smashes 19-year-old girlfriend's head over her "character": Cops" and wrote, "Or maybe let’s just say they were madly in love with each …
After saying that she has ‘no time to waste’ on Kangana Ranaut and her sister Rangoli Chandel’s mean attack on her, looks like actor Taapsee Pannu could not resist taking a jibe at the two. Why why why?” Last week, Varun had shared a similar tweet of appreciation for Kangana and Rajkummar Rao’s upcoming film JudgeMentall Hai Kya. Best wishes.” …