Bhumi Pednekar shared the news of the Saand Ki Aankh song yesterday, adding “Kismat chamkega, bilkul gold ki tarah”. As Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar-starrer Saand Ki Aankh inches closer to its release, the makers have released another track from the film, titled ‘Baby Gold.’ Sung by Sona Mohapatra and penned by Raj Shekhar, ‘Baby Gold’ features the two sharpshooter …
Actor Taapsee Pannu has expressed mixed feelings about being criticised for playing an older character in the upcoming film, Saand Ki Aankh. Reacting to statements by actors Soni Razdan, Neena Gupta and Seema Pahwa, Taapsee sarcastically told Deccan Chronicle that perhaps it would be better if she play Delhi girls her age. Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar during promotion of …
Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar are all set to come together for the very first time in a film titled Saand Ki Aankh, in which they will be seen playing the world's oldest sharpshooters - Chandro Tomar and her sister-in-law Prakashi Tomar. However, Taapsee clarified, "Kabhi humaari picture shelve karva dete hai kabhi title ki maara maari, maine socha main …