Bollywood actor Taapsee Pannu has revealed she needs to work on her physique before getting into the skin of her character for Ronnie Screwvala’s Rashmi Rocket. Taapsee Pannu says Saand Ki Aankh had her mother in tears. We chose the former.” Currently on a high with back-to-back hits and critically appreciated movies, Taapsee’s latest Saand Ki Aankh hits theatres on …
Taapsee Pannu and Bhumi Pednekar hosted a special screening of their upcoming film "Saand Ki Aankh" for Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu, and the lead actresses were overwhelmed when he appreciated their efforts in depicting the characters of India's oldest sharpshooters, Prakashi Tomar and Chandro Tomar. Naidu showered love on the movie and tweeted: "Conveyed my best wishes to the …