On Sunday, the Mamata Banerjee-led-Trinamool Congress party declared that ‘actress’ Saayoni Ghosh would contest the 2024 Lok Sabha elections from the Jadavpur constituency in West Bengal. Screengrab of the Hinduphobic tweet Hinduphibc tweet by Saayoni Ghosh and subsequent ‘clarification’ On 18th February 2015, the actress tweeted a picture wherein a female character was seen putting a condom over the sacred …
KOLKATA: The Enforcement Directorate has summoned Trinamool Congress youth wing president Saayoni Ghosh to its Kolkata office on June 30 for questioning in the school recruitment case, people familiar with the matter said. Saayoni Ghosh succeeded TMC national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee as state president of the TMC youth wing in June 2021 Ghosh, a Bengali actress with no political …
New Delhi/Kolkata: There is no vanity van, no roadshows, no bikes or cars either. Comfortable in saree and sneakers with a mandatory sunglass and a little eye make-up actress turned TMC candidate Saayoni Ghosh has already become popular among the people of Asansol South Constituency. According to a media report, “Former Tripura Governor and Bengal BJP leader Tathagata Roy lodged …