Bollywood actress and activist Swara Bhasker has found herself in the midst of a social media storm after meeting Maulana Sajjad Nomani, a controversial Islamic figure known for his opposition of women’s education. Swara Bhasker, Fahad Ahmed Meets Maulana Sajjad Nomani On Saturday, Swara Bhasker and Fahad Ahmad visited Maulana Sajjad Nomani’s office, where they were reportedly showered with blessings. …
The third and final phase of voting for the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly elections began at 7 am on Tuesday. Key Contenders In Final Phase Other Key candidates in this phase are People's Conference chairperson Sajjad Lone, who is contesting from two seats in Kupwara, and BJP's Devender Singh Rana contesting from the Nagrota seat. Other candidates are National Panthers …
Kishtwar Assembly Elections 2024: Kishtwar Assembly constituency is one of the 90 seats in Jammu and Kashmir where voting is underway in the first phase of three-phased elections on September 18. Kishtwar Legislative Assembly Constituency Elections 2024: Poll Date The Election Commission of India has scheduled the assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir in three phases. Kishtwar Legislative Assembly Constituency …
The shallowness of the elections in Kashmir exhibits itself when one drives down to Baramulla from Srinagar. “Sajjad Lone hasn’t done much work in Langate, but Irfan Panditpuri, who was the PDP’s candidate in 2014 for the Langate Assembly seat, has switched over to the P.C., transferring his nearly 16,000 votes to them,” said Tanveer Ahmad Bhat, a contractor, and …