On Sunday, 17th November, ahead of the Maharashtra elections, actress and ‘feminist’ Swara Bhaskar indicated that no caste or religion should become a barrier to following and respecting Prophet Mohammed. But I want to make it clear that it doesn’t matter which caste or religion you were born into to have respect for Prophet Muhammad,” said Swara while campaigning for …
Recently, the website TheWire published a video denouncing the so-called ‘Bhagwa Love Trap’, a fictitious propaganda that is being run by Islamists to target Hindu men. | @TheOtherKaskar#Watch: https://t.co/hOhf47UHS2 — The Wire June 2, 2023 However, even though TheWire tried to monkey-balance by denouncing Bhagwa Love Trap only to whitewash Islamist crimes against Hindu women, their Muslim readership, which demands …
In the midst of Pakistan's worsening food crisis, individuals were recently spotted chasing a flour truck on foot and on motorcycles, risking their lives for a bag of flour. In a video shared by Professor Sajjad Raja, chairman of National Equality Party Jammu Kashmir Gilgit Baltistan and Ladakh, people can be seen chasing a truck carrying sacks of flour. This …