South Korean actor Ma Dong-seok, also known as Don Lee, sparked excitement among fans after giving a shoutout to Prabhas on social media. Dong-seok took to his Instagram Stories to share a poster of ‘Salaar Part 2’ with a photo of himself and a thumbs-up emoji. Meanwhile, the makers of ‘Salaar Part 2: Shouryanga Parvam’ shared a video on social …
Prabhas is currently basking in the success of his latest film 'Salaar Part 1'. In an exclusive interview with, Prabhas opened up on the timeline for ‘Salaar Part 2’ and his mantra for 2024. PRABHAS ON ‘SALAAR 2’ Prabhas spoke about 'Salaar Part 2,' Prabhas said, "The story is already ready, and we are going to start very …