Shivam Kumar, a resident of Bithan in Samastipur, has proved if a person works diligently, the destination is not far. "Shivam did matriculation from PSP government school situated in his native village at Bithan and obtained plus two degree from XT Xavier's, Muzaffarpur. He secured 456th rank in IIT-JEE and got admission at IIT Kharagpur in 2018", said Shivam's father …
The Bihar police has sounded high alert in the entire state over the Bihar bandh called by job aspirants on Saturday against the Centre’s Agnipath scheme for short-term appointments in the armed forces, officials said adding that internet services have been suspended in 12 out of 38 districts in the state which have been identified as the worst affected ones. …
The Western Railway announced that it is extending trips of 21 special trains for the convenience of passengers and with a view to meet the travel demand. 09049 Mumbai Central – Samastipur Special Train have been extended and now it will also run on May 15, May 17, May 18 and May 20. 09074 Gorakhpur – Bandra Terminus Special Train …