Radical Hindutva leader Sambhaji Bhide was booked by the Navi Mumbai police for his alleged derogatory comments against Buddhism founder Gautam Buddha and social reformers Jyotiba Phule and Erode Venkatappa Ramasamy, revered as Periyar. Based on a complaint lodged by advocate Amit Katarnavre, a resident of Panvel in Navi Mumbai, the New Panvel police station registered a case against Mr. …
Ahead of the 202nd anniversary of the Koregaon Bhima battle on 1 January, Pune Police have issued notices to over 160 people, including right wing leaders Milind Ekbote and Sambhaji Bhide, an official said Pune: Ahead of the 202nd anniversary of the Koregaon Bhima battle on 1 January, Pune Police have issued notices to over 160 people, including right wing …