Actor Sameera Reddy took to Instagram today to share a fitness update with her followers. Read on to know what Sameera talked about in her fitness Friday post. Fitness Friday: Sameera Reddy says she lost 9kg in new weight loss update post Sameera took to Instagram on Friday, July 23, to post a picture, which was a collage of her …
Actor Sameera Reddy has always been vocal about body positivity and leading a healthy lifestyle on social media. Sameera Reddy took to Instagram on Friday to share some updates on her Fitness Friday series. She said that had she lost an inch all over, by intermittent fasting and sugar control, along with dedicated yoga and playing badminton four times a …
Actor Sameera Reddy on Friday shared a post to give a glimpse of her weight loss journey. Sameera Reddy shared her picture on Instagram Smiling for the camera, Sameera Reddy captioned her post, "Major breakthrough this week! She added, "I’m 86.9 kg and even more determined to get to my goal of 75 kg and being able to just get …
Actress Sameera Reddy, who is mother to two kids Hans and Nyra Varde, opened up about battling post-partum depression after the birth of Hans. Sameera said that she weighed 105 kgs during childbirth and she lost patches of hair. While talking to Humans of Bombay on Mother’s Day, Sameera opened up about her husband, Akshay Varde taking care of their …