Actor Sameera Reddy took to Instagram today to share a fitness update with her followers. Read on to know what Sameera talked about in her fitness Friday post. Fitness Friday: Sameera Reddy says she lost 9kg in new weight loss update post Sameera took to Instagram on Friday, July 23, to post a picture, which was a collage of her …
Actress Sameera Reddy took to social media on Friday to share a weight loss update. Sharing her weight loss recipe with followers, the actress wrote: "I've down an inch all over and that is because of the intermittent fasting and sugar control with dedicated yoga and badminton 4 times a week. Sameera Reddy underwent tremendous body transformation before coming into …
She posted a black-and-white picture of her kids and captioned it, "Lots of people asking me about Hans and Nyra so here is the update." She shared that Hans experiences high fevers, headache, and severe fatigue that lasted for 4 days, after which they had him tested and the results came back positive. "I have to admit initially I did …
The second wave of coronavirus in India is seeing many celebrities testing positive for the novel coronavirus. On Sunday, Sameera Reddy took to Instagram stories to share that her family has tested positive for Covid but her mother-in-law, also known as Sassy Saasu on Instagram, is living separately and is safe. SAMEERA SHARES UPDATES ABOUT KIDS HANS AND NYRA In …