Satya Sanatan Conclave: Akhada Parishad chief Ravinder Puri Maharaj attended the Staya Sanatan Conclave organised by India TV regarding Mahakumbh. During the event, Ravinder Puri Maharaj lauded the Uttar Pradesh government led by CM Yogi Adityanath for emphasising cleanliness in the grand spiritual fair in Prayagraj. On the question of accurate information regarding Kumbh, Ravinder Puri Maharaj said that the …
Devkinandan Thakur, the popular spiritual orator, called a Sanatan Dharma Sansad in Delhi on Saturday. Saints from 13 akharas participated in the event along with others including, Dr Ram Vilas Vedanti, Mahant Raju Das of Hanuman Garhi, Ayodhya and Pradeep Mishra among others. During the event, Devkinandan Thakur said, "The issue of animal fat in Tirupati Balaji temple's prasad is …
Former Uttar Pradesh Shia Waqf Board chairman Waseem Rizvi on Monday quit Islam and converted to Hinduism. Swami Chakrapani Maharaj, national president of All India Hindu Mahasabha, said, "The decision of former Muslim cleric Waseem Rizvi sahab to accept Hindu Sanatan Dharma is welcome. Waseem Rizvi Sahab is now a part of our Hindu Sanatan Dharma, no fanatic should dare …