A city court in Bengaluru on Tuesday granted bail to Tamil Nadu Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin in a case registered against him after his controversial remarks about Sanatana Dharma. The Minister had said that Sanatana Dharma was like HIV, AIDS, and Malaria, and rather than opposing it, it had to be eradicated. The DMK leader appeared before the 42nd Additional Chief …
A weekly round-up of important cases from the Madras High Court Citations: 2023 LiveLaw 339 To 2023 LiveLaw 349 NOMINAL INDEX Ramar v State, 2023 LiveLaw 339 Venu Srinivasan v Rangarajan Narasimhan, 2023 LiveLaw 340 The Secretary v Elephant G Rajendran and others, 2023 LiveLaw 341 M.Kalpana v The Secretary, 2023 LiveLaw 342 Mrs Nirosha v Principal Secretary to Government, …
Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai on Tuesday lashed out at DMK parliamentarian A Raja for his purported remark that the “Hindu religion is a menace.” Annamalai accused the ruling DMK of being the principal reason for creating caste divide and hatred among the people in the state. Annamalai said the DMK MP and former union minister A Raja had …
Uttar Pradesh: Days after Tamil Nadu minister Udhayanidhi Stalin's eradicate 'Sanatan Dharma' remark, a Ayodhya seer named Paramhans Acharya has announced a reward of Rs 10 crore for beheading the DMK leader. The chief priest of Tapaswi Chawni temple in Ayodhya, Paramhans Acharya said, "I will pay Rs 10 crore cash reward to anyone who beheads Stalin and brings his …