On Monday, the Department of Telecommunications unveiled two new technological initiatives to enhance the fight against mobile-based scams. Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw revealed the introduction of ‘Chakshu’, a platform empowering citizens to report suspected fraudulent communications from mobile numbers through calls, SMS, or popular social media apps like WhatsApp. Spam Reporting Platform Incorporated into the DoT’s Sanchar Sathi portal, ‘Chakshu’ …
State-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd expects the roll-out of its 4G wireless service to be completed in 18-24 months, Sanjay Dhotre, minister of state for communications, said on Wednesday. BSNL had invited expressions of interest on January 1 seeking prior registration or proof of concept from Indian telecom equipment manufacturers interested in participating in its upcoming 4G tender, Dhotre said. …