The government has taken a big step against SMS scammers by blacklisting eight ‘principal entities’ responsible for sending over 10,000 fake messages in the last three months, according to an official release. According to the release, the Department of Telecom, working with the Ministry of Home Affairs, under the Sanchar Saathi initiative had taken decisive actions to fight SMS fraud …
Many people in India have been getting warning messages from the Indian government and even banks highlighting to them the cyber crimes that have become rampant. The government is also taking part in this exercise, alerting citizens about fraud ads that can be used to infect your devices with malware and try to steal money. In this case, the government …
Union minister for Railways, Communications, Electronics & Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnaw on Monday launched two new portals from the Department of Telecommunications to check cyber crime and financial frauds on Monday. The Digital Intelligence Platform is a backend module which allows real time intelligence sharing between law enforcement agencies, banks, financial intermediaries like PhonePe, telecom service providers, social media companies …
The Maharashtra Appellate Authority of Advance Ruling has ruled that 12% GST is applicable on setting up the Naval Communication Network as a subcontractor for the Indian Navy on behalf of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.The two-member bench of Dr. D. K. Srinivas and Rajeev Kumar Mital, while allowing the appeal, observed that the Navy has ruled that 12% GST is …