New Delhi: Tata Starbucks on Monday said the company will resume dine-in services in seven cities across India, with elevated cleaning and sanitising protocols. Stores will operate with 50 per cent seating capacity to allow for social distancing between customers and employees, said Tata Starbucks in a statement. "As we navigate through the crisis, we are transforming the in-store Starbucks …
Along with the mammoth task of keeping about 135 crore population inside their homes, Central Armed Police Forces are also exposed to the virus on a daily basis, as there have been cases reported from various states. The Central Armed Police Forces, which has the mammoth task of keeping around 135 crore inside their homes, are exposed to the virus …
The Delhi government on Monday launched a massive sanitisation drive in the city's Covid-19 containment areas, declared as red zones, and high-risk zones, identified as orange zones, to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The administration ran a pilot disinfection drive using hi-tech Japanese spray machines at the Rajinder Nagar Assembly constituency. "The key target of the Delhi government is to …
As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in India rises to 81, panic among the people is also rising. As a preventive measure, the Delhi government has declared coronavirus an epidemic in Delhi and requested all the Delhiites to exercise abundant caution to contain the disease. In order to contain the virus and minimizing its spread, the Delhi government …