New Delhi: Tata Starbucks on Monday said the company will resume dine-in services in seven cities across India, with elevated cleaning and sanitising protocols. Stores will operate with 50 per cent seating capacity to allow for social distancing between customers and employees, said Tata Starbucks in a statement. "As we navigate through the crisis, we are transforming the in-store Starbucks …
Kenyan national team captain Victor Wanyama, a Major League Soccer midfielder who spent the past seven seasons in the Premier League, is helping in his homeland's fight against coronavirus. The 28-year-old Montreal Impact standout's foundation has donated 200 sanitising kits to needy families in his hometown of Nairobi in a project with the help of the Kenyan Red Cross. Together …
The Coronavirus pandemic has triggered panic across the country. Police personnel have been deployed in strength to enforce the lockdown after the state government put in place emergency measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar told media persons today: “We had ordered lockdown in seven districts as part of containment measures. We have now …