West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has asked State Ministers to begin a sit-in outside Nobel laureate Amartya Sen's residence in Santiniketan in Birbhum district to protest against the Visva-Bharati's eviction notice, an official said. During a Cabinet meeting on May 2, Ms. Banerjee asked MSME Minister Chandranath Sinha, the local MLA, to lead the protest, which will be joined …
Visva-Bharati university has issued a notice to Nobel laureate Amartya Sen asking him to show cause why an eviction order will not be issued against him for not vacating a 13 decimal plot he is allegedly occupying illegally. "I call upon you to appear before me in person or through a duly authorised representative capable to answer all material questions …
Visva Bharati has asked Nobel laureate and Bharat Ratna Amartya Sen to turn over a section of a land tract in West Bengal's Santiniketan that it claims the economist has been using in an "unauthorised" manner. In January 2021, Vice-Chancellor Bidyut Chakraborty of Visva Bharati charged Sen's family with possessing land on the campus illegally. Sen previously commended the chief …
The Visva Bharati on Tuesday urged Nobel laureate Amartya Sen to hand over parts of a plot of land in West Bengal's Santiniketan, claiming that he has been occupying the portion in an unauthorised manner. The nobel laureate's father Asutosh Sen had taken 125 decimals of land on lease from the varsity in 1943, its spokesperson Mahua Banerjee said. In …