The Karnataka High Court on Monday appointed Senior Advocate SS Naganand as amicus curiae to assist the court in a petition questioning the legality of appointing 16-year-old Aniruddha Saralathaya as the Peetadhipathi of the Shiroor Mutt in Udupi. To this, Advocate D R Ravishankar appearing for the petitioner said, "The practice of balasanyasa or imposition of sanyasa on a minor …
In an interview with Firstpost, Amish Tripathi talks about the liberal nature of ancient tradition, clarifies misconceptions and discusses the function of philosophy and stories Amish Tripathi’s seventh book Raavan: Enemy of Aryavarta, the third in his five-part Ram Chandra series, launched earlier this month. So far, this is the second-fastest selling book series in Indian publishing history, first being …