The Rajasthan High Court has issued summons to Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot along with State Election Commission and returning officer on a petition challenging his election from Sardarpura constituency. Justice Vinit Kumar Mathur directed Gehlot to appear in court for the next hearing on September 27. Petitioner Arti Gautam has prayed for declaring Gehlot's election from Sardarpura. Petitioner Arti Gautam …
Leaders of the Congress Party, including Sachin Pilot and Ashok Gehlot chaired a meeting in Jaipur on Tuesday after the party crossed the majority mark in the state. Rajasthan Assembly Election Results HIGHLIGHTS: 05:16 pm: BJP candidate and Rajasthan Revenue Minister Amra Ram loses Pachpadra seat to Cong candidate Madan Prajapat by a margin of 2,395 seats 05:03 pm: Rajasthan's …