Mumbai: In a late-night operation on Thursday, the Jodhpur police, with help from the Mumbai police, arrested the main suspect in the brutal murder of a 50-year-old beauty parlour owner late last month. The suspect, Ghulamuddin Farooqui, had been hiding in Mumbai for the past 10 days and was finally tracked down near the Maratha Mandir cinema hall in Mumbai …
Rajasthan Assembly Election 2018 LIVE HIGHLIGHTS: Voting is underway on 199 seats for 200-seat Rajasthan Assembly elections. Over 72 per cent of the 4.74 crore registered voters had cast their vote by 5 pm in Rajasthan where elections were held Friday for 199 of the 200 assembly seats. Assembly Elections 2018: Full Coverage Over 4.74 crore people are eligible to …
As poll campaign gains momentum in Rajasthan, former chief minister Ashok Gehlot's home turf Jodhpur is bracing for an interesting fight with the Congress putting all its efforts on 10 seats of the district, of which the BJP had swept nine in the last assembly elections in 2013. Assembly Elections 2018: Full Coverage The Congress has given tickets to eight …