‘Amar Singh Chamkila’ actor Jashn Kohli, in an exclusive interview with IndiaToday.In, spoke about changing how Sardars are being portrayed on the big screen in the Hindi film industry. Today, Jashn feels proud that he got the chance to share screen space with Diljit in ‘Chamkila’, where he essays the role of Amarjot's brother. Talking about being part of ‘Chamkila’, …
In an interview from 2017, Punjabi pop star and actor Diljit Dosanjh said “Bollywood has a lot of stereotypes about Sardars, but I will probably never do such a role”. That said with Laal Singh Chadha slated to hit theatres, it’s disappointing really that for a film that carries the soul of experimentation and whimsy the creators could not think …
Hard-working farmers from Punjab have turned a ‘deserted or abandoned’ arid farm land into an oasis of lush green orchards in drought-prone Ramanathapuram in southern Tamil Nadu A small band of happy, hard-working Sikh farmers are growing a little Punjab deep inside southern Tamil Nadu’s backward and drought-prone Ramanathapuram. “The horticulture department officials brought these visitors to our farm today, …
For the longest time Bollywood was known to use Sardars as comedy elements in the films. However, Diljit Dosanjh is working hard to turn trope around in his films like Udta Punjab and Phillauri. Diljit said that he will make sure that people will not make fun of the characters, he will be playing in the future. It is a …