Superstar Mahesh Babu, who had begun shooting for the second schedule of Sarkaru Vaari Paata, took to Instagram to wish his mother Indira Devi a very happy birthday. MAHESH BABU’S SPECIAL WISH FOR HIS MOTHER ON HER BIRTHDAY Sharing a picture of him and his mother holding each other’s hands, Mahesh Babu wrote, “Happy birthday Amma. Grateful for you everyday.” …
Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu mourned the death of his ardent fan Suresh Babu, who passed away on Thursday evening. Suresh Babu, who was the president of Krishna Ghattamaneni and Mahesh Babu's Nellore district fan club, died due to cardiac arrest. Mahesh Babu wrote, "Heartbreaking to hear about Darisi Suresh Babu's untimely demise. — Mahesh Babu September 10, 2020 The …
Telegu superstar Mahesh Babu's fans have been waiting for him to announce his new project ever since the release of the last film Sarileru Neekevvaru. The actor on the birthday of his father and superstar Krishna took it as an opportunity to amaze fans with the announcement of the next film titled 'Sarkaru Vaari Paata.' While, Parasuram tweeted, "My long …