In a major development, the Enforcement Directorate has seized 112 properties, belonging to the firm of Shiv Sena leader Pratap Sarnaik, in connection to the ₹5600 crores National Spot Exchange Limited scam. I visited the site today — Kirit Somaiya January 10, 2021 BJP leader Kirit Somaiya, who visited the plots on Sunday, had earlier met the Enforcement Directorate …
The Enforcement Directorate has made a second arrest in the alleged Rs 175 crore money laundering case related to security firm Tops Grup. According to former Tops Grup director Ramesh Iyer, Sarnaik was collecting his share for MMRDA contract through Amit Chandole and Sanket More. In his statement to ED, Iyer has said that Rahul Nanda, promoter of Tops Grup, …
Enforcement Directorate will be moving the Bombay High Court to seek further custody of Amit Chandole, close friend and confidante of Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik who was arrested in connection with the Tops Grup case last week. As per ED sources, Chandole was acting as front between Tops Grup and Sarnaik while Tops Grup diverted funds to Sarnaik through …
In yet another setback for Shiv Sena, the Enforcement Directorate has arrested Amit Chandole, a close aide of Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik in connection with a money laundering case linked to the legislator. According to the reports, Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik’s aide Chandole was grilled by ED officials for nearly 12 hours before being placed under arrest. Prior …
Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik’s son Vihang was on Tuesday brought to the Enforcement Directorate ’s office here for questioning following raids on premises linked to his father in connection with a money laundering case being probed against a security service provider company and others. Earlier in the day, the ED raided various premises linked to Sarnaik in Mumbai and …