Enforcement Directorate will be moving the Bombay High Court to seek further custody of Amit Chandole, close friend and confidante of Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik who was arrested in connection with the Tops Grup case last week. As per ED sources, Chandole was acting as front between Tops Grup and Sarnaik while Tops Grup diverted funds to Sarnaik through …
The Enforcement Directorate had yesterday carried out multiple raids at the residences and office premises of Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik. Pratap Sarnaik drove autorickshaw to make ends meet in the 1980s However, Sarnaik’s relative affluence and his growing stature in the Shiv Sena party is a recent phenomenon. Induction into Shiv Sena propelled Sarnaik’s political and personal fortunes But …
Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik’s son Vihang was on Tuesday brought to the Enforcement Directorate ’s office here for questioning following raids on premises linked to his father in connection with a money laundering case being probed against a security service provider company and others. Earlier in the day, the ED raided various premises linked to Sarnaik in Mumbai and …