The Enforcement Directorate has made a second arrest in the alleged Rs 175 crore money laundering case related to security firm Tops Grup. According to former Tops Grup director Ramesh Iyer, Sarnaik was collecting his share for MMRDA contract through Amit Chandole and Sanket More. In his statement to ED, Iyer has said that Rahul Nanda, promoter of Tops Grup, …
The Bombay High Court on Friday reserved its order on an Enforcement Directorate plea challenging a November 29 order of a special holiday sessions judge rejecting its demand for extension of remand of Amit Chandole. Chandole is an alleged aide of Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik, who is an accused in a case under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. …
Shiv Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik’s son Vihang was on Tuesday brought to the Enforcement Directorate ’s office here for questioning following raids on premises linked to his father in connection with a money laundering case being probed against a security service provider company and others. Earlier in the day, the ED raided various premises linked to Sarnaik in Mumbai and …