The viral claim that Elon Musk blocked Disney's Pride content on X stems from satire but has been shared on social media without proper context. Another Facebook user posted the image with the caption, "WOKE' isn't for kids, according to Elon Musk, who blocks Disney's Pride content on X." We also found the claim circulating on Bluesky, where one user …
The Onion, the satirical news company which used to mock conspiracy theorist Alex Jones through its content, has acquired the latter's media empire, including the far-right website InfoWars. InfoWars, the conspiracy website, used to serve as Jones' main platform. The proceeds from the sale of the company will be used to pay Jones' creditors, including the families of the victims …
Alt News, the propaganda outlet masquerading as a fact-checking website, came to the rescue of the Aam Aadmi Party on Saturday by ‘fact-checking’ a satirical video that exposed the hypocrisy of the Aam Aadmi Party’s rampant misuse of public funds on newspaper Recently, Political Kida, a satirical Twitter account, had shared an edited video on its YouTube channel exposing the …
Facebook Inc said it will be more transparent about how it aims to handle satirical posts on the platform, following a recommendation by the Oversight Board. The move comes after the independent governing body examined a case appealed by someone on Facebook, regarding a comment with a meme depicting Turkey having to choose between "The Armenian Genocide is a lie" …