BENGALURU: Karnataka BJP president B Y Vijayendra on Friday accused the Congress government of targeting Hindutva ideologue Vinayak Damodar Savarkar just to divert public attention from the MUDA scam. Karnataka Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao claimed on Wednesday that Savarkar used to eat meat and was not against cow slaughter. The Congress government, driven by its greed for power, has …
Raipur: Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi, who is currently in Chhatisgarh's capital, Raiput, addressed the party delegates on the third and final day of the party's plenary session on Sunday. While addressing a gathering, Gandhi shared the memories that he cherished during the Bharat Jodo Yatra and recounted how he used to walk miles even though he was suffering from …
On behalf of my boyhood, I thank the Indian National Congress and its intellectual franchisees for erasing many chapters from history textbooks, which were already dreary. One of the chapters was Vinayak Savarkar, who invented Hindutva about a hundred years ago. This month, two absorbing and distinct biographies of Savarkar were released: The True Story Of The Father Of Hindutva …