India's richest woman and chairperson of OP Jindal Group Savitri Jindal filed her nomination papers from the Hisar seat to contest as an independent candidate in the Haryana assembly election. India's richest woman Savitri Jindal Savitri made the move after the ruling BJP denied her a ticket and fielded its minister Kamal Gupta from Hisar. Being the only woman on …
Mumbai: A day after the body of an 18-year-old girl was found in her room at the Savitri Devi Phule Mahila Chhatralaya at Marine Drive, the state government has appointed two committees — one to probe the incident, and the other to review security system in place at all the women’s hostels across the state. Another five-member committee, formed under …
‘The Mother of Modern Feminism’, the ‘First Female Teacher of India’ and more – she was Savitri Bai Phule, a women who broke gender and caste barriers to herald a new age through her life of activism and education. Education and an Incident that Changed Her Life According to a report by Jagran Josh, Savitribai found her way to education …
India's wealthiest woman Savitri Jindal, the matriarch of Jindal group, witnessed her fortune rise by over $12 billion in just two years. Her net worth tripled more than three times in these last two years from $ 4.8 billion in 2020 to $17.7 billion in 2022, according to Forbes as reported by Mint news website. Savitri Jindal is listed as …
Bareilly : In a freak incident, an 18-year-old boy here lost his life after a loaded revolver accidentally went while shooting a TikTok video. Reports say the incident took place on Monday in Mudia Bhaikampur village of Nawabganj in the district; Circle Officer Yogendra Kumar was quoted by news agency PTI. According to the report, Keshav had pressurized his mother …