The Tamil Nadu Government on Monday told the Supreme Court that YouTuber Savukku Shankar was not kept in solitary confinement.A bench comprising Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud, Justice JB Pardiwala and Manoj Misra was hearing a habeas corpus petition filed by Shankar's mother Kamala challenging his detention under the Tamil Nadu 'Goondas' Act 1982.The bench posted the. The Tamil …
The Supreme Court today heard the challenge to the 16 FIRs filed against YouTuber Savukku Shankar over an online interview. Notably, Shankar was recently detained again under the preventive detention law soon after the Madras High Court's order on August 9 quashing his previous detention relating to certain alleged adverse remarks against the Police Officials. Advocate Balaji Srinivasan appearing for …
Hearing the appeal of A Kamala, the mother of YouTuber Savukku Shankar who has been detained by the Tamil Nadu government, the Supreme Court on Monday told the state government that it could not be too harsh on him. Is he a threat to national security," asked a two-judge Bench of the top court, led by Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia and …