After Abhijeet Gupta’s five-hour search for a win ended in a draw against Sayantan Das, overnight leader Karthik Venkataraman became the National chess champion at the Indira Gandhi Stadium here on Tuesday. He topped a four-way tie at 9.5 points to finish runner-up Karthik, winner of the 2018 National junior title at the same venue, collected the winner’s share of …
A second successive top-board victory with the dark pieces brightened Karthik Venkataraman’s prospects of winning the National chess title here on Tuesday. A day after upstaging Abhijeet Gupta in an unusual finish, Karthik benefited from a dubious rook-for-knight trade-off by country’s latest Grandmaster Koustav Chatterjee on Monday and won in 35 moves. On a day when the top-four boards saw …