After a neck-and-neck race with Kannur and Palakkad districts for five days, Kozhikode district has won the Kerala School Kalolsavam 2023, held at Kozhikode. This time around about 11,000 secondary school students from state schools in 14 districts of Kerala participated in 239 events around 24 venues in Kalolsavam, which commenced on January 3. As per the final tally, Kozhikode …
Kerala School Kalolsavam, the State School Arts Festival, has been described thus for decades. Diversity and scale When you look at the sheer variety of art forms the contests are held in, you would get a fair idea about the magnitude of the festival. Where would you find separate competitions in different styles of India’s classical dances like Bharatanatyam, Mohiniyattom, …
For Public Works and Tourism Minister P.A. Mohamed Riyas, the ongoing 61st Kerala School Kalolsavam, the State School Arts Festival, in Kozhikode posed both challenges and opportunities. What were the major challenges before the State government and the organising committee when the arts festival was scheduled to be held in Kozhikode? From day one, both of us, myself and V. …